151 South Main Street
Versailles KY
Alex + Emily Riddle
Maggie Schmidt
Work Schedules
Work schedules are done by our manager. The schedules are posted online as well as behind the counter no later than Friday for the following work week (Monday through Sunday). Everyone works a set schedule, agreed upon by you and the manager. Every six months we will establish a new schedule. During Christmas season we get very busy and our shift needs change. This is a great time for you to pick up extra hours! Just let us know your needs and expectations ahead of time. It is ALWAYS 100% your responsibility to know when you work. Even though everyone typically runs on a set schedule, it is VITAL that you double check your schedule each week, as we settle into the semesters (especially during Christmas season) and in case you forgot that you covered for someone.
If you need a shift off, it is solely your responsibility to find coverage (Hint: you can always trade shifts rather than ask someone to pick up your shift). There are shift coverage sheets available behind the counter that you will need to fill out. There is space on the coverage sheet for both people to sign their names (the person needing coverage and the person who is covering). Once you have filled out your coverage sheet and have all the needed signatures, please leave it for our manager next to the posted schedule. After she has approved the request, our manager will indicate the change on the appropriate week’s schedule.
If you call in sick, it is your responsibility to find a replacement, if you fail to do so you will be written up. If you cannot find anyone to work for you, let us know - we will help you anyway we can. This policy has to be strict because we greatly depend on you to work the shifts you are scheduled for. You must be responsible for your work shifts. DO NOT fail to show up for a shift, or your employment will be terminated immediately. You will be considered a no-show once the manager on duty has made adequate attempts to get in touch with you or we have still not heard back. ALWAYS call as soon as you realize you will or might be late, or if you will not be able to come to work.
*If you have a cell phone, it’s a good idea to put our manager’s phone number in there (Maggie: 859-227-5134) as well as the rest of your co-workers. An employee phone list will be posted beside the schedule.
Personal Information
It is our policy that employees never give out scheduling information, phone numbers or other personal information, of their own or other employees, to anyone not employed by The Amsden, even to immediate family, while on the premises, or representing Coffee Times at an event.
This includes our manager’s personal information as well as Alex and Emily’s. Always offer to take a message instead and ensure customers that we will get back to them in a prompt manner.
Clocking In + Out
It is imperative that you clock in when you arrive on your shift, clock out when you are leaving for the day/night, clock in and out when going on breaks, and clock in and out when you need to switch to alone or regular. The only record we have of what hours you have worked are on the Square time clock system on the ipad. If you forget to clock in/out notify a manager immediately so that they may fix your hours on the register.
10 Minute Breaks
Please check the break guide to see if you are granted 10 minute breaks for your shift. Before going on a break, check with the other person working (at the Mercantile) to see if they can cover for you. Please do not take a break if there are a lot of customers in line or we are especially busy- use your judgement!
Smoking is not permitted in the building by law. You may smoke outside but need to do so near the back of the building alley close to the police station (never in front of the building on Main Street side). Please use the ashtrays and do not throw cigarette butts on the ground.
Lunch/Dinner Breaks
You must pay for any food from the coffee shop before eating it. If you are eating anything belonging to The Amsden that has not been paid for or accounted for with a note, you will be written up. You may sit down at a table inside or outside to take a break if you wish. You must clock out when going on your 30 minute break and clock back in when you return. See the following page to see what break times you are entitled to according to what shift you work. You are granted one 10 minute for every 4 hours worked by Kentucky State law. In addition to ten minute breaks, you are allowed a 30 minute meal break. Kentucky law states each business must provide a “reasonable” amount of time for employees to eat. The coffee shop employee and mercantile employee on duty will work together to cover for each other when breaks are needed. The mercantile counter will be shut down temporarily and all purchases for both spaces will be made on the coffee shop side when one employee is on break.
10 minute breaks: You do not have to clock out
15-30 minute breaks: You must clock out
Total Hours Worked:
8 hours or more: two separate 10 min. breaks; and one 30 min. clock out break
7-8 hours: one 10 min. break; and one 30 min. clock out break
6-7 hours: one 30 min. clock out break OR two separate 15 min. breaks
5-6 hours: one 30 min. clock out or two separate 10 min. breaks
4 hours or less: one 10 min. break
-We are a small business, and as such, do not have the man power to allow for a set break schedule. As a team, we can all work together to allow each employee to have their requested break time during their shift. Being mindful of the other people you work with can do wonders!
-Total number of hours worked includes closing time.
Pay Procedures
Payday is every other Tuesday. Employees receive their pay through direct deposit. We do not give paper checks! During training, employees are required to provide us with a bank account & routing numbers. If the employee does not have a checking/savings account, he/she will be required to open one. A pay period begins on Monday and continues through the following Sunday. Any discrepancies over hours worked and money payed must be discussed with a manager within 30 days from the day the payment was received. If Monday or Tuesday (the day payroll is sent in) is a National holiday, your pay will go through Wednesday. Your pay stubs are always available online and we will provide you with a username and password to view them.
Please notify us of any address changes throughout your employment here and within the year should you leave, for W-2 purposes. If you are no longer employed here we will mail your W-2s to the last address we have on file. There is a $40.00 fee should you need to request a second copy.
Cashing Out Tips
You are not allowed to cash out your tips! We do not have enough change on site for this, so please just take all tips with you and cash out at your own bank. Any tips that you receive through credit card payment will be paid out once a week.
Paid Vacations
You must be employed by The Amsden for one calendar year (full time or part time) before you are eligible for paid vacation time. Vacation days will be granted based upon how many hours you worked per week, on average, from the previous year. Vacation time requests need to be reported to the scheduling manager 1 month in advance, so they can adjust the schedule accordingly. Failure to do so may result in having to find coverage on your own due to the short notice. In the event that you are fired, all vacation pay will be lost.
Vacation time may not be carried over from one year to the next. Any unused vacation time will be lost.
A company holiday that falls during an employee’s vacation period is not counted as a vacation day.
Jury Duty
We feel that jury duty is a civic duty and helps ensure our basic liberties. We deal with scheduling based on each person‘s needs. Please notify management immediately when you receive notice of jury duty.
Court Subpoenas
Subpoenaed employees must give advance notice of their intention to appear in court. Appearances at hearings under subpoenas and out of civic responsibility (eyewitness, etc.) are considered excused time. Employees must use vacation time or request time-off without pay for voluntary appearances in court.
Absence due to death in your immediate family is considered excused. Time off for other funerals will be considered on an individual basis.
Sick Days
If significant time off is needed because of illness, an evaluation for temporary sick leave will be discussed between the employee and management. The Amsden reserves the right to grant or deny the option for sick leave in consideration of the need for the employee’s scheduling requirements.
Code of Conduct
Your behavior is a direct reflection of our business. The customers can see and hear everything you do and say. REMEMBER THIS! Please watch your language and your volume when you talk to each other. There may be times when you disagree with the way we do something, you may have a problem with a co-worker, manager, or other personal problems. WE BELIEVE IN COMMUNICATION, so please ask your manager to schedule a meeting with you if you have something to say. We strive to solve problems. If you are experiencing a problem - please do not neglect your customer. Complete your transaction and then call our manager. Please do not complain or discuss problems you have where customers can hear you: it’s unprofessional.
General Work Ethic
Since you are being paid while on the clock, you are expected to work. Please use any “downtime” to stock product, do your shift duties, work on daily cleaning lists, etc. There will be a very clear list of daily duties posted behind the counter that you can reference. Please do not sit around or talk to your co-workers at length, especially when other customers are present. Please do not use the Internet on the Ipad at the counter. This is to be used only for Point of Sale and clocking in/out. If caught doing so, it is a write up and possible termination. Your ability to be self-motivated weighs heavily on your evaluations for raises.
Please do not have your phone out when there are ANY customers present in the store. You also should not be on your phone if you still have daily duties or work to complete.
We will have a store phone available for use as you need it and for emergencies.
You can wear any shirt/top/sweater of your choice (no shirts showing your stomach, nothing to revealing). You may wear black, khaki, or blue jeans, pants, shorts, skirts of your choice, but make sure they look nice and are appropriate. There will be a plain apron provided that you will need to wear while working over your clothes. These will always be behind the counter (please do not take them home with you).
Do not be offended if we tell you that something you are wearing is too revealing. Ask the manager if you have questions about this.
It is imperative that you are on time for your work shift. A smoothly flowing business and good customer service depends on it! It is disrespectful to your coworkers if you are late. REMEMBER - someone may be depending on you to get here so that they can go home. You must be on the floor when your shift begins. Please arrive a few minutes early so that you can clock in and be ready to go at the time you are scheduled for. YOU WILL BE WRITTEN UP IF YOU ARE OVER 10 MINUTES LATE, AND AFTER 3 WRITE-UPS YOU RISK LOSING YOUR JOB.
If you are working an opening (morning) shift, your shift will begin 30 minutes before the coffee shop opens and be posted as such on the schedule (6:30 AM most days). THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. There is a lot of prep involved to get the store ready to open. Likewise, if you work a closing shift, you will usually need 30 minutes to complete all closing duties. View your shift as including those extra 30 minutes even though the store is not open. If you leave without finishing your closing duties, or are late to open the store without completing your opening duties, you will be written up.
Infractions and Write Ups
Infractions and write ups will be used at evaluation time and can prevent a raise from occurring. Three infractions for the same offense in a 60 day period constitutes a write up and multiple write ups, especially for the same offense, can cause termination.
Evaluations and Raises
Evaluations are conducted by a store manager in April & September. At that time, you are rated on your job performance, attendance, attitude, knowledge, etc. Your evaluation time is also a good time to discuss any problems or concerns you have with your job. If you are hired between the months of January-June, you will get your first evaluation in September. If you are hired between the months of July-December, you will get your first evaluation in April.
Raises will be given once per year in June. You will receive an evaluation at that time and a manager will take into account all evaluations given and improvements made since the last raise. If you are not awarded a raise, you will have 30 days to show improvement for reconsideration.
We would appreciate two weeks notice if you decide to terminate your employment here. If that is not possible, we would expect you to notify the manager as soon as possible for scheduling purposes. PLEASE do not just fail to show up.
Safety Policy
Robbery: Remain calm, hand over the money. Try to remember as much detail about the crime as possible. There is a panic button on the Square point of sale system that you can press. Remember the police station is right next door if you need immediate assistance. We will have both the emergency and non-emergency numbers posted for the police station.
Fire: Remain calm, help each other and the customers exit. Once everyone is outside and safe, call 911.
Customer Illness: Tell the manager on duty at once, call 911, ask if there is a doctor available in the shop.
Accident of Customer or Staff: Tell the manager on duty at once, get the person’s name and phone number and file a written report with Coffee Times as to the nature of the accident. Note how, when, witnesses, and what you did to handle the situation
After we have closed, it is mandatory that the door remain locked. After customers have left and the door is locked, it is everyone’s responsibility to keep the door locked. No one, including friends or co-workers not on the clock, are allowed to come in. After dark, mercantile workers and coffee shop workers need to clock out and leave together and take trash out on their way out. Side note: The Amsden Tavern will always be open later hours and the police station is right next door. If you are ever uncomfortable walking to your car alone at night, do not hesitate to ask for an escort or help from either location.
Waste Policies
You may eat while working as long as you are not busy. Please eat at a table and not behind the counter. You must wash your hands before returning to work. You must pay for any food from the coffee shop before eating it (this also applies to any drinks in the fridge). Un-servable items must be shown directly to a manager so they can discard and record the item. Waste is not allowed to be eaten but may be purchased at 50% off. If you violate any of these rules, you will be written up.
Employee Meetings
There are mandatory employee meetings approximately every 12 weeks. There will be signs posted as to the exact dates of these meetings and everyone will be notified by the manager. Meetings and workshops are held on Sundays. They are paid meetings and it is necessary that you attend. If you can not attend, you must notify Maggie immediately. If you fail to show up without notification you will be written up.
Employee Perks
Discounts: Amsden Coffee Club employees receive a 25% discount on any item purchased for their consumption or personal use. The discount is only granted to an employee in person. When sales are occurring, you are allowed to add your 25% off discount to the sale up to 50% off. If the sale is above 50%, you get that percentage off only (your employee discount does not get added to it).
At the Mercantile: Amsden Coffee Club employees are allowed 10% off any item at Gathered Mercantile. When they are having a promotion or giving coupons, you may only stack one with your 10% discount up to 50% off max.
Complimentary Drinks: All drinks are free while you are on shift except bottled beverages (anything in the vintage fridge). Please limit yourself to one beverage at a time behind the counter with cap or lid on at all times. Try to keep your personal beverage out of the way or your workspace/cash register.
Gathered Mercantile Employees: They are allowed one specialty drink per day (no free drinks from the fridge please, but they can use their discount there as well as on food). They may have unlimited refills on drip coffee.
Food Handler Permits
The Lexington-Fayette County Board of Health Regulation #19 (Amended) states:
“Every person with a food service establishment, whose work brings him in contact with the production, processing, serving, or handling of food, or with the containers or equipment required therefore, shall at the commencement of employment and thereafter every three (3) years, be required to pass an examination as determined by the Department pertaining to knowledge of basic food handling procedures relevant to the prevention of foodborne disease.”
This includes waitresses, bartenders, and dishwashers, as well as the employees handling food in the kitchen. The regulation goes on to state:
“All food service establishment personnel engaged in food handling activities must have satisfactorily passed the basic food handling certification teaching and testing program requirements and have a certificate on file at the establishment.”
Personnel with a valid Food Manager’s Certificate are not required to have a Food Handler Permit.
Food Handler Testing consists of viewing a 15 minute food safety training video and taking a short written test. It costs $20 and lasts for 3 years. You can now complete this online!
Go to
Then select the first option: FOOD HANDLER & MANAGER CERTIFICATION.
This will take you to the page with a link to the test.
If you have computer access problems, let us know. You can take the test here. Also, if you don’t have access to a printer, you can email the certificate to and we will print it for you.
*the amsden coffee club requires you to present a food handler's permit to us within 30 days of your starting date of employment. After the 30 days, you will not be permitted to work until we have received your permit. We will reimburse you for the $20 fee after you have presented your permit to us.